The Pack Project

Max & Atlas

Additional information

Date of Birth


Adult Size


Living Conditions

Indoor, Outdoor

Hair Type


Dog Friendly

Dog tested upon application

Child Friendly


Bonded pair


The lovely Max and Atlas were found in a field together last winter at just 3 weeks old. They were so lucky to have been found just in time before it snowed.

They were just babies when they were found, but now they are adults and still in the shelter.

They are both now 11 months old. They had a home lined up for them, unfortunately this has now fallen through 😭 so we are now looking for a home in the U.K. for them to live together.

They are both extremely open to meeting new people. They both enjoy being outside and are always together – we cannot separate them because they are best friends, as well as brothers.

Atlas acts like is the older brother. He is stronger and bolder, while his brother Max is always playful and dependent on the attention of humans and his brother.

Max has beautiful golden eyes, little pink nose and fluffy white chest. Atlas has striking markings on his fur and is fluffier!

Both are very sociable with humans and cats, playful, affectionate and generally perfect little cats. We met them back in April at the shelter in Romania and we can say that they really are perfect 🥹

They are both such sweet boys, who would suit a family home. They are gentle, cat friendly, child friendly and they even follow you around. They can be indoor only or with safe outdoor access.

Can you offer a forever home for the brothers together?

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